Название: Utility CD 8cm Bootable ISO
Версия: v21.30
Язык интерфейса: Eng
Лечение: не требуется
Размер: 223 MB
Описание: Загрузочный "Карманный Системный Диск-Реаниматор" UtilityCD 8cm вобрал в себя более 100 лучших программ и утилит, - практически все самое необходимое для экспресс помощи при обслуживания, диагностики, ремонта и восстановления системы компьютера.
Специально создан для записи его на 8ми см диск в 210 MB, чтобы он был всегда с вами, чтобы не случилось ни у вас, ни у ваших друзей, ни у ваших клиентов. Включает DOS Menu с программами тестинга,бэкапа, лечения и реанимации, включая оболочку ERD Commander 2005 с множеством утилит, с которой можно выйти в интернет, записать данные на CD/DVD диск и многое другое, кнопочное Windows Menu - содержащие около 120 отборных программ, - от антивирусной и антишпионских программ, оптимизации и чистки реестра и системы в целом, тестирования и определения аппаратных средств, чистой деинсталляции, до подбора паролей и восстановления поврежденных архивов. Полный список программ см. далее...
1/ McAfee Stinger - Removes specific viruses.
2/ Dr.Web CureIt - Anti-Virus Scanner.
3/ McAfee AV on C: - Anti-Virus Scanner that updates itself and runs from the C: drive.
4/ Ad-Aware - Detects and removes Adware, Spyware and Trojans.
5/ X-Ray PC - Browser Hijacker Detector and Remover.
6/ Hijack This - Browser Hijacker Detector and Remover.
7/ CWS Shredder - Removes CoolWebSearch Browser Hijacker.
8/ Diagnose Windows - Security Scanner.
9/ RootKit Eliminator - Detects and removes RootKits.
10/ Driver Manager - Details, manages and controls drivers.
11/ AutoRuns - Controls Autorun Programs and Services.
12/ Process Explorer - Displays running Processes.
13/ ProcessActivityView - Shows all files and folders that a process accesses.
14/ Service Manager - Displays and Manages Services.
15/ MultiMon - Displays Registry, File, Keyboard, Device, System access.
16/ OpenedFilesView - Displays the list of all opened files on your system.
17/ Wise Regcleaner - Registry cleaner.
18/ Registry Defrag - Registry defragmentation..
19/ Registry Supreme - Registry cleaner, compactor and manager..
20/ WinDoctor - Registry cleaner.
21/ Reg Organizer - Registry editor/cleaner/comparison, Disk cleaner, Search & Replace.
22/ AdapterWatch - Displays useful information about your network adapters.
23/ NetInfo - Network information, Verifies Email addresses.
24/ WirelessNetView - Monitors the activity of wireless networks.
25/ Network Stumbler - Detects Wireless LANs.
26/ WirelessKeyView - Reveals Wireless keys.
27/ TCPOptimizer - Optimizes Internet Connection.
28/ TCPIP.sys Patch - Alters the maximum incomplete concurrent connection limit in XP.
29/ Modem Test - Modem Tester.
30/ CurrPorts - Lists Active Ports.
31/ MyLanViewer - Local Area Network Scanner.
32/ System Information - Shows system information.
33/ Monitor Tester - Monitor Tester.
34/ Unknown Devices - Detects Device Information.
35/ Update Checker - Checks for Software updates online.
36/ Windows Update List - Lists applied Windows updates.
37/ Norton Disk Doctor - Improved ScanDisk.
38/ HDTune Pro HDD - Testing & Benchmarks, Erasing, Folder Usage and SMART status.
39/ Ultimate Defrag - Defragmenter
40/ Page Defrag - Defragments the PageFile and the Registry.
41/ ExPcFix - Registry cleanup.
42/ Registry WorkShop - Advanced Registry editor.
43/ Final Data Enterprise - Recovers deleted files, Email and Office files.
44/ BadCopy Pro - Recovers files from CD and other media.
45/ Doc Rescue Pro - File recovery.
46/ Unstoppable Copier - Recovers files or partial files.
47/ WinImage - Reads and writes disk images.
48/ Norton Ghost Explorer - Explore Norton Ghost Images.
49/ VISTA Manager - Various VISTA Utilities and Tweaks.
50/ XP Anti-Spy - Various Windows XP Settings.
51/ X-Setup Pro - Windows XP Tweaks.
52/ FreshUI - Windows Tweaks.
53/ XP REG TWEAKS - Various Registry Tweaks for XP.
54/ BackRex Expert - Saves and restores OE, Outlook, IE6 and other folders and settings.
55/ Dial-Up Magic - Saves and restores Dial-Up connections
56/ ERUNT - Backs up the Registry.
57/ WinDriver Ghost - Saves drivers, favourites and Outlook folders.
58/ RadarSync - Checks for newer drivers and downloads them.
59/ Driver Cleaner - Removes Video and Audio driver remnants.
60/ Installer Cleaner - Removes Windows Installer entries for selected programs.
61/ MSIFix - Removes Bad MSI Registry Keys.
62/ OpenWithView - Displays the list of applications in the 'Open With' dialog-box.
63/ Unlocker - Deletes, Moves and Renames Locked Files.
64/ DiskRecon - File Search, Duplicate Finder and File Monitor.
65/ Disk Cleaner - Cleans Temp Folders etc.
66/ USBDeview - Lists and uninstalls USB devices.
67/ PW Microsoft Office - Finds Microsoft Office Passwords.
68/ PW WinRAR - Finds WinRAR Passwords.
69/ PW WinZip - Finds WinZIP Passwords.
70/ AIMPR - Finds Instant Messenger Passwords.
71/ IPW Toolbox - Finds IE, OE, Outlook and Dial-Up Passwords.
72/ PW SAMInside - Finds SAM Passwords (inc. Syskey encrypted ).
73/ Proactive System Password Recovery - Reveals Passwords, CD Keys, Button enabler etc.
74/ SniffPass - Reveals Network Passwords.
75/ Zip Repair - Repairs Wizip Files.
76/ Excel Repair - Repairs Excel Files.
77/ Word Repair - Repairs Word Files.
78/ Outlook Express Repair - Repairs Outlook Express Files.
79/ Outlook Recovery - Recovers Outlook Files.
80/ Restore OE - Registers OE as the default e-mail client.
81/ XP Security Console - XP Security Settings Tool.
82/ MyEventViewer - Alternative to the standard event viewer of Windows.
83/ FileTypesMan - Alternative to the 'File Types' tab in the 'Folder Options'.
84/ Image Editor - Sets and resets image editor defaults and image file associations.
85/ MM View - Displays Codecs and ActiveX Filters.
86/ GSpot - Lists existing and required Audio and Video Codecs.
87/ RegDllView - Displays the list of all registered dll/ocx/exe files.
88/ Register Controls - ActiveX Control Registration Utility.
89/ ShellEx View - Disables and Enables Shell Extensions.
90/ ShellMenuView - Displays a list of menu items that appear in Explorer context menus.
91/ SYS Exporter - Exports List data.
92/ AutoPlay Fix - MS AutoPlay Repair. Fixes defective AutoPlay settings.
93/ XP Taskbar Repair - Repairs TaskBar, Notification Area and QuickLaunch problems.
94/ XP Toolbar Repair - Repairs XP Toolbars.
95/ MBR GUI - GUI for MBRFix and MBRWizard.
96/ WinSock Fix - Winsock and TCP Repair Utility.
97/ LSP Fix - Winsock 2 Repair Utility.
98/ WinLogin Remove - Scans Registry for WinLogin.exe and allows removal.
99/ OfficeINS - Disables and Enables Office Add-Ins.
100/ Access Enumerator - Manages File Access Security Permissions.
101/ Application Mover - Moves programs to another folder or drive..
102/ UnCHK - Recovers CHK files.
103/ EasyBCD - Controls the Windows VISTA bootloader.
104/ Disable/Enable WFP - Disables or Enables Windows File Protection.
105/ Stabilty Test - System Stabilty Tester.
106/ Dial-a-fix - Various Microsoft Knowledgebase sourced fixes.
107/ MJ’s Help Diag - Repairs Help System. Registers DLLs and OCX.
108/ NewSID - Changes SID and Computer Name..
109/ Fix XP Logon - Resets GINA.
110/ Prefetch Control - Windows XP Prefetch Clean and Control.
111/ Restore Calendar - Restores the XP System Restore Calendar.
112/ SysTracer - Records file and Registry modifications..
113/ SAVE DATA - Batch File to Save User Files to a folder..
114/ WIPE IT - Securely overwrites drives.
115/ Key Reader - Reveals and changes Windows CD Keys.
116/ PC Decrapifier - Uninstalls and cleans trialware from new computers.
117/ Disable Messenger - Disable Windows Messenger.
118/ Perfect Uninstaller = Uninstalls difficult to remove programs.
119/ WinLister - Displays the list of opened windows on your system.
120/ PDF Reader - Reads and Edits PDF files.
121/ WinRAR - Creates and extracts RAR and ZIP files.
122/ TinyHEXER - HEX reader.
123/ CD/DVD Writer - Sateira DVD/CD Burner.
124/ Off By One - Internet Browser.
125/ Popcorn - Email Client. Can also delete mail directly on the server.
126/ Useful Sites - List of useful Web Sites.